COVID-19 Resources
UW-Eau Claire COVID-19指南
We are in close contact with the 欧克莱尔市郡卫生局, Barron County Health Department and other local entities regarding preparedness and response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. 我们的目标是帮助学生, faculty and staff remain safe and healthy and that we continue to provide the high-quality education that defines UW-Eau Claire.
- 如果他们生病了,就不要来学校.
- Get tested for COVID-19, even if you have been vaccinated, should 你出现了症状.
- 遵循以下健康和安全指南.
If you have a disability that impacts your ability to attend in-person activities, 或者你对健康状况有特别的担忧, you may work with 残疾学生服务 office to explore possible accommodations; employees should contact Human Resources.
澳门葡京网赌送彩金 COVID-19政策和指导方针
Testing, Exposure & Quarantine
No quarantine
- 你不需要呆在家里 unless 你出现了症状.
Get tested
- 即使你没有出现症状, get tested at least 5 days after you last had close contact with someone with COVID-19.
Watch for symptoms
- Watch for symptoms until 10 days after you last had close contact with someone with COVID-19.
- 立即隔离并接受检测. 继续呆在家里,直到你知道结果. 在他人周围继续戴口罩.
- Continue to wear a mask for 10 full days any time you are around others inside your home or in public. 不要去不能戴口罩的地方.
- Avoid travel.
- 避免与高危人群接触.
- 所有检测呈阳性的人必须隔离5天. We have rooms available for residence-hall students and we encourage off-campus students to avoid any contact with others as much as possible. 如果你必须在家里和其他人在一起,戴上合适的口罩.
After isolation
- Infected individuals with no symptoms or resolving symptoms and no fever may end strict isolation after 5 full days (isolation ending on day 6) but must wear a mask at all times when leaving their residence or around others. This means no dining with others and no other mask-free activities until after 10 full days (strict masking ending on day 11).
Note: All testing protocols are subject to change based on collaboration of UW System Administration, Public Health, and the University.
- 出现COVID-19症状的学生可以联系 学生健康服务 安排预约.
- Employees experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should contact their health care provider for further instructions.
- 如果感觉不舒服或有症状,请不要来学校.
While supplies last, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 will be offering free “At-Home” test kits at the following locations:
- 巴伦县校区(学生和员工)
- 学生健康服务(只限学生)
- ASK中心(Schofield Hall 230)(仅限员工)
其他测试建议和指导方针可在 COVID-19检测(cdc).gov).
威斯康星州卫生服务部 announced an expansion of access to free, 通过家庭COVID-19检测试剂盒 Say Yes! COVID TEST program. It allows individuals to request an order of five rapid tests at no cost.
目前,威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校不要求戴口罩. Please be respectful of an individual’s choice to wear or not wear a mask.
Disposable masks
澳门葡京网赌送彩金 provides free disposable masks at entryways of most campus buildings. Learn more on how to properly wear a mask from two UW-Eau Claire graduate assistants 在这个简短的视频中.
KN95/N95 masks
所有学生和员工都可以使用KN95或N95口罩. 口罩可在ASK中心(Schofield Hall 230)领取。, 周一至周五上午8点至下午4:30. 巴伦校区也将提供口罩.
自愿适合测试可以通过联系 These fit tests can be scheduled Tuesdays through Thursdays and take about 10-15 minutes.
N95/KN95 masks that are provided VOLUNTARILY, can do so without providing the training program. 我们建议大家点击 here for additional information to consider when using a N95/KN95 respirator.
Staff and faculty that are REQUIRED to wear these types of respirators must complete a training program and other regulatory requirements, see policy.
According to CDC因此,建议选择具有上述功能的口罩 NOT 有排气阀或通风口吗.
为了安全起见,请接种加强疫苗. The booster shot has proven effective at preventing hospitalization from COVID-19. Help keep yourself and your community safe by receiving a booster shot today. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 / covid19vaccines.
Please upload all your vaccination records including your primary and booster records. This information is critical to understanding our population’s health and what resources are needed by our community. 学生可以使用更新后的 接种疫苗上载电子表格, which allows you to upload your primary vaccination series, your booster record, or both. 员工可以通过 MyUWPortal 请按照上面的说明去做 tip sheet 以确保您的个人资料已更新). Note that updates to this UWS-created form are in development to reflect references to the boosters. 一旦表格完成, Finance and Administration will send a message out to all employees with an updated Tip Sheet providing detailed instructions on how to use the form.
如果您丢失了疫苗接种卡或没有副本, contact your vaccination provider directly to access your vaccination record. 如果您不能直接联系您的疫苗接种提供者, contact your state health department’s immunization information system (IIS). You can find state CDC网站上的IIS信息. Vaccination providers are required to report COVID-19 vaccinations to their IIS and related systems.
All vaccination records are shared with the WI Department of Health Services.
Antigen Testing
The White House is expanding free COVID antigen test distribution, through the website. US households can order a total of four tests to be mailed directly to them for free, 随着订单开始准备发货. For more information or to see other elements of the White House’s COVID-19 Winter Preparedness Plan, 请看官方公告 here.
Additional information on when and where to get a COVID-19 test can be found on the following websites:
If you have any questions, please be sure to follow up with your health care provider.